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Rosa Sánchez Acosta
14 may 20241 Min. de lectura
Dear students, As you know in this unit, we are working the question tags. They are very easy, but you need to revie an to have the idea...
34 visualizaciones0 comentarios
5 abr 20241 Min. de lectura
Passive voice in present
Dear students, As you know, we are studying the passive voice in present. You are doing a very good job, but here are some videos where...
42 visualizaciones0 comentarios
15 feb 20241 Min. de lectura
Object pronouns
Dear students, Today we have started learning about the object pronouns. They a little bit difficult to understand, so here are some...
92 visualizaciones0 comentarios
5 feb 20241 Min. de lectura
Realtive pronouns
Dear students, Here is a game which you can use to practice the relative pronouns.
56 visualizaciones0 comentarios
5 feb 20241 Min. de lectura
Giving Directions.
Dear students, Here is a link with some activities which you can use to practice the directions. https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil...
43 visualizaciones0 comentarios
23 ene 20241 Min. de lectura
Hola clase, Como sabéis para este segundo trimestre vamos a hacer una lectura de un libro en inglés y luego tendréis que hacer un pequeño...
39 visualizaciones0 comentarios
23 dic 20231 Min. de lectura
Past Simple and Past Continous
Dear students, Here is a website where you can find information to review the grammar of the unit 3, some exercises and an online game....
105 visualizaciones0 comentarios
19 ene 20231 Min. de lectura
Irregular Verbs
Dear students, As you know we are studying the irregular verbs list step by step. Don´t be afraid about the amount of verbs, you will...
498 visualizaciones4 comentarios
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